A Clean Slate
02:43Well, well well, here we go again. Who'd have thought that after a 5 year hiatus, comealongbeth would return?
For those of you unsure of what I'm talking about, I started this blog around 7 years ago and posted regularly until around 2017. Back then I classed myself as a 'beauty, fashion, lifestyle' blogger, which is kind of ironic really because I had no clue about any of those things but I guess that's the beauty of a blog. Anyone can make one and can write about anything they choose.
You may notice that this is the only post on the blog that you can see and that is because I have removed my old posts. Although some of them had some good points to make, I am a very different person now and wanted to wipe the slate clean. So here we are, a fresh new blog, with a new logo to match.
I am yet to decide the direction I am going to take my blog. I want to write about my interests, which are very difficult to categorise. Just to give you an idea of what I'm taking about, I like reading, crochet and knitting, baking, cats, The Sims 4, travel, and aeroplanes. I may not write about all of these, but maybe I will. Who can stop me? Well, except maybe Google's algorithm. That's why in my 'about me' section I have gone with 'lifestyle' because all of these are aspects of my life.
I had the idea of starting a blog again last night. I was originally going to focus on book reviews but I have a very hit and miss relationship with books. I can read 3 books in a week or go months without picking one up. You could say that creating a blog focused on books may keep me motivated to read but I know that when I HAVE to do something that I usually enjoy doing, I will not do it. I always hated it when I had to read a book for English in school, yet I decided to do English Literature at A-Level.
I can't remember why I stopped blogging all those years ago. I think it became more of a chore to me as life got in the way and I no longer had time to go on adventures to London, or spend an hour everyday doing my makeup. It looked as if I stopped blogging when I started my first full time job, and as I sit here now, I realise that not only am I working full time but I also have a house to maintain too. Picking up blogging again will just add another item on to my to do list but I think I need this. I need an outlet where I can focus on things I love and forget about my ever growing to do list for an hour or so.
Anyway, that's enough reflection for one day. I'm going to head back into reality and make a start on my to do list for today. Setting up this blog took longer than I had anticipated and I have a load of wet washing to peg out that has been sitting in the washing machine for about an hour now. The joys of adulthood. I am currently on annual leave from work. I have nothing planned, just a week at home but being an adult means that you can never truly do nothing like you used to do when you were a kid on half term. I'd love nothing more than to play The Sims from the moment I woke up to the moment I go back to bed, and I suppose there is nothing stopping me (one of the perks of having your own home is that your parents can no longer moan at you for doing nothing all day), except I know that if I did, I wouldn't be able to fully enjoy the experience because I know the washing basket is full and it's not raining so it would be waste not to do a load.
On that note, I'm off.
Beth x